06/09/2024 - Newsletter September 2024

Penny House Steps

Firstly, work is going to be starting on the access steps that lead towards Naval Hospital Road, which we all usually call "Penny House Steps". These steps are meant to be used as a means of emergency exit but had been found unsafe for use when the handrail broke.

Your management committee has worked very hard to arrive at a point where the steps can be made safe for use again and the remedial works for this will be starting on Monday 9th September.

The works will include replacing the existing handrail and installing a second handrail opposite this so that boths sides of the steps have supportive hand rails and the contractor will be increasing the size of the steps to make them easier and safer to use.

In addition to this, they will also add appropriate lighting to improve visibility along these steps at night.

We hope that these works will be completed during September / early October and we will let you know when these are open and ready for use.

Parking of motorbikes in garages

It has been noted that some car park users are parking their motorbikes just in front of their cars but that these bikes are protruding from the yellow lines demarcating the boundary of each bay.

It is not permitted for any vehicle to park outside of the parking bays. This is considered an infringement of communally owned land. It can also cause an inconvenience to other parking bay users and even an obstruction.

Please note that the management company employs a security company, JT Security, to clamp or tow away vehicles that are not properly parked or causing an obstruction. Costs of releasing a clamped or impounded vehicle will be entirely for the vehicle owner to pay. We therefore strongly urge you to ensure that you do not allow your vehicle to protrude beyond the demarcated boundary of your parking bay.

Kind regards,

Jackie Anderson
Advanced Property Care
for and on behalf of Brympton Management Ltdf

16/08/2024 - Caretaker on leave

The estate caretaker, Francisco, will be on annual leave from Monday 19th August through to Friday 30th August and he'll be back at work on Monday 2nd September.

During this period, arrangements have been made for the bin rooms to be cleared and cleaned three times a week and for the estate to have a regular check. Advanced Property Care will also be on site regularly to check for any issues.

On his return on 2nd September, Francisco will be working his regular hours of 8.00am to 5.00pm with a lunch break at around 1.30pm.

If you observe anything of concern that you would normally report to Francisco, we are holding his phone at our office and will respond to any calls you make (54072775).

Please remember that if there is an out of hours emergency, you should telephone on 54012772, or 54012686 (Advanced Property Care), or 54040149 (Brympton Committee). Please do not report anything urgent on WhatsApp, email or via Facebook - if an urgent response is needed, please pick up the phone and call one of those numbers.

Kind regards
Jackie Anderson

02/06/2024 - Dog mess

It has come to the management company's attention that there has been a noticeable and significant increase in dog fouling around the estate. Residents are reminded that according to the House Rules, they must ensure that any dog fouling within the estate must be cleaned up straight away. Where possible, please ensure that your dog does not foul within the estate. We cannot stress how unpleasant and unhygienic it is for other residents of Brympton for dog mess not to be cleaned up as quickly as possible. Please note that owners of dogs in Gibraltar are expected to use appropriate bags for disposing of excrement and carry water bottles in order to wash away dog urine. Please note that C.C.T.V will be used to identify the dog owners that have allowed fouling to occur without promptly cleaning up. The management company's Commitee is prepared to charge any costs incurred in administering reminders and enforcing the house rules, and cleaning up the fouling if necessary, to the owners of the animals concerned. We appreciate that on occasions, dogs do have accidents, but please be aware of your civic and underlease responsibilities to not cause a nuisance and to clean up behind your dog.
31/05/2024 - Newsletter

The May 2024 Newsletter is available in the files section
21/03/2024 - Facebook Group

For the residents of Brympton to share information and advice from the committee, for recommending tradesmen, for selling furniture etc. see the Facebook Group.